One week of commuting on the Jacksonville, Florida bus system as reported by an interactive designer at The Robin Shepherd Group

29 November 2006

To Work - 11.29

Not another bad morning altogether today. This bus riding is getting pretty routine already. I downloaded a BBC World News podcast this morning and enjoyed that while sitting at the bus stop. That’s one thing I do miss about driving my car into work. I used to listen to NPR during my drive and feel really up to date on current events. Unfortunately NPR’s podcasts come in little snippets for each program/topic, so it would take a lot of syncing with my iPod to get an entire program. The good thing about the BBC news is that today’s news is already there when I wake up since they’re 6 hours ahead of us.

For the remainder of the ride I had “borrowed” my roommate’s Wired magazine and read a very intriguing article about the beginnings of the iPod. I’m kind of a Mac fanatic (not to mention owner, and stockholder), as a lot of people in my industry are, so anything about the history of Apple is very intriguing. Plus, Steve Jobs is just an interesting personality.

The bus stop on Riverside

Not really much else to report on the ride in. I was kind of wrapped up in the article. I did get a nice Anonymous comment yesterday encouraging me in my quest, and pointing out the fact that a lot of Americans won’t make the commitment to save a little pollution and sacrifice a little independence by riding public transport. While, admittedly, that wasn’t the main purpose of my experiment, I can’t help but feeling that this is a true sentiment. I was keeping track of how many people drove by the bus stop on Atlantic in big cars with one person in them. The percentage was definitely biased towards these single drivers. Just think how much gas and pollution we could all save if even 10% of these people could make a commitment to public transport. I can’t help thinking I’ll be back in this single-driver statistical anomaly after this adventure, but the idealism of the alternative is nice to think about.

Ok, that’s enough for today. Back to all those pressing deadlines I left yesterday.

How many buses in this picture?

Here's a fun game. How many buses in the picture above?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

3? of course not, huh?

9:58 AM


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